Thursday, December 11, 2014

Braces are painful!

Ugh... I got my braces tightened on Tuesday. They were fine through out the day of but the next day they were so painful >-< .Though I got to change my rubber band colors. I went with red and green for the Christmas. Does anyone else have braces? If you do what colors do you have? :D
Cya laters!!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Book recommendations!

I love horror and cute books!
Eggs is one that I got a while ago. Eggs on amazon. It's written by Jerry Spinelli. The story about a young boy meeting a teenager girl and their adventures.
Another book I'd recommend would be The Old Willis Place. The Old Willis Place on amazon. It's written by Mary Downing Hall whom has written many other ghost stories. This one is about a sister and a brother meeting a young girl whom moved with her dad.

Hope you enjoy my recommendations! Cya!  =(^-^)=